2024  Glory

          Set, Lighting, and Video Design

          Directed by Amber Borotsik

          Costumes: Cindy Wiebe - Reinterpreted by Josée Chartrand

          Photos: @briannejang of @bb_collective

          MacEwan University, Edmonton AB


2023  The Sound of Music

           Lighting Design

           Directed by Morris Ertman

           Set & Costumes: Hanne Loosen

           Photos: Morris Ertman

           Rosebud Theatre, Rosebud AB


2020  The Crucible

            Set, Lighting, & Costume Co-Design with Josée Chartrand

            Directed by Jim Guedo

            SND: Jim Guedo

            Photos: Scott Spidell

            MacEwan University, Edmonton, AB

2018   Love and Information

            Lighting Design, Co-Video Design

            Directed by Dave Horak

            Set: Megan Koshka, Costumes & Video: Robyn Ayles, SND: Wade Staples

            Photos: Scott Spidell

            MacEwan University, Edmonton, AB

2017   Into the Woods

            Set/Lighting/Video Design

            Directed by Jim Guedo

            Costumes: Stephanie Bahniuk, SND: Wade Staples

            Photos: Epic, Scott Spidell

            MacEwan University, Edmonton, AB

2016   Heathers: The Musical

            Lighting/Video Design

            Directed by Trevor Schmidt

            Set/Video: Robyn Ayles, Costumes: Josée Chartrand, SND: Robert Smale

            Photos: Epic

            MacEwan University, Edmonton, AB


2016   Curtains

            Set Design

            Directed by David Horak

            Costumes: Lisa Hancharek, LX: Geoff George, SND: Wade Staples

            Photos: Epic

            MacEwan University, Edmonton, AB

2015   An Experiment with an Air Pump
            Set, Lighting Design
            Directed by David Legore

            Costumes: Emily Ullrich, SND/Video: David Legore
            Texas Lutheran University, Seguin, TX

2014  The Government Inspector

            Set Design
            Directed by David Legore

            Costumes: Shelly Chance, LX: Tim Gapinski
            Texas Lutheran University, Seguin, TX

2014    Mirror
             Lighting Design
             Directed by Julia Alpin

             Set Design: Isabella Stephanescu/Scott Spidell, Projection Design: Klaus Engel

             Photos: Andy Wright Studios
             Inter Arts Matrix, Kitchener, ON
             Open Ears Festival

2013  The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui

            Set, Light, Video Design
            Directed by Ted Witzel

            Costumes: Michelle Tracey & Amanda Wong
            the red light district, Toronto, ON

            The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui
             Directed by Ted Witzel

             Costumes: Michelle Tracey & Amanda Wong
             York University, Toronto, ON

2013    Top Girls
             Set, Costume, Video Design
             Directed by Saul Garcia Lopez

             LX: Kirsten Watt
             University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON

2011    An Experiment with an Air Pump
             Lighting Design and Head of Production
             Directed by Anne-Marie Donovan

             Set: Scott Penner, Costumes: Jocelyne Sobeski
             University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON

2011   Dissocia
            Set, Light, Video Design
            Directed by Andy Houston

            Costumes: Jocelyne Sobeski
            Open Ears Festival, Kitchener ON

            Dissocia: A Digital Gambling Venture
            Scenographer and Head of Production
            Directed by Andy Houston

            Costumes: Jocelyne Sobeski
            University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON

2011    Much Ado About Nothing
            Lighting Design
            Directed by Brian Taylor

            Sets: David Court, Costumes: Agatha Knelsen
            University Players, Windsor, ON

2010   PostMortem
            Lighting Design
            Directed by Bill Pinnell

            Sets: Bill Pinnell, Costumes: Agatha Knelsen
            University Players, Windsor, ON

2009   The Government Inspector
            Lighting Design
            Directed by Jim Warren

            Set: Bill Chesney, Costumes: Jocelyne Sobeski
            University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON

2009    Edna’s Archive
            Set, Lighting Design
            Directed by Andy Houston
            Impact ’09 Theatre Festival, Kitchener, ON

2009    Emma’s Child
            Lighting Design
            Directed by Bill Pinnell

            Sets: Bill Pinnell, Costumes: Agatha Knelsen
            University Players, Windsor, ON

2009    Mad Forest
            Set and Lighting Design
            Directed by Andy Houston

            Costumes: Jocelyne Sobeski
            University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON

2008    Julius Caesar
             Lighting Design
             Directed by Jennifer Roberts-Smith

             Set: Bill Chesney, Costumes: Jocelyne Sobeski
             University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON

2008     Alice: An Experiment in Wonderland
             Lighting Design
             Directed by Gerd Hauck

             Set: Vandy Wood, Costumes: Tan
             University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON along with Bradley University, Peoria IL and University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL

2006   The Importance of Being Earnest
            Lighting Design
            Directed by Anne-Marie Donovan

            Set: Bill Chesney, Costumes: Jocelyne Sobeski
            University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON

2006   Our Country’s Good
            Lighting Design
            Directed by Andy Houston

            Set: Bill Chesney, Costumes: Jocelyne Sobeski
            University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON

2003  Gross Indecency: The Three Trials of Oscar Wilde
           Lighting/Video Design
           Directed by Julie Hartley

           Set: Bill Chesney, Costumes: Jocelyne Sobeski
           University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON

2002   Grimm Tales
            Lighting Design
            Directed by Kim Renders

            Set: Bill Chesney, Costumes: Jocelyne Sobeski
            University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON

1988    And When I Wake
             Lighting Design
             Directed by Claude Guilmain

             Set: Andrew Stearn, Costumes:
             Kawartha Summer Theatre, Lindsay, ON


E-mail: scott@scottspidell.com

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© Scott Spidell